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Onde inovação e futuro se encontram!

A journey to produce social impact while developing skills for non-hierarchical leadership and innovation.

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In the Think Tank Projeto Resgate program, teams of Problem Solvers (high school and college students) learn how to use cutting-edge approaches and methodologies to solve societal problems.


In the process, they have the support of Project Mentors (leaders on the rise in companies that have innovation as part of their DNA). These professionals cooperate with Master Mentors, experienced leaders whose trajectories identify them as references in the marketplace and in society.


It is an experience that brings together people from different generations and various socio-economic classes in a coordinated effort to generate shared values. 


In addition to developing soft skills, the ability to innovate, and non-hierarchical leadership competencies, participants of the Think Tank Projeto Resgate Program learn more about themselves, the people they work with, and society.

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IN 2023:

Each edition of the Think Tank Projeto Resgate takes place under an important theme for society, an Engaging Cause. The one chosen for 2023 is “Onward the Next Level.” We want to connect young people from low-income families to vocational education opportunities. 

​The teams will seek solutions to:

  • Attract young people to vocational education;

  • Prevent dropping out;

  • Connect students to job opportunities;

  • Help students foster a balanced life: success in professional and personal life.

Master Mentors 

Masters Mentors (MM) are strategic level leaders whose trajectories identify them as references in the marketplace and society. They participate at specific times to help teams make critical decisions and assessments for the journey.

Rafael Pereira

Rafael Pereira

Coordenador de Inovação | Porto Itapoá

Eduardo Almeida

Eduardo Almeida

Diretor Sênior de Operações Américas Tecumseh Corporation

Debora Paes

Debora Paes

Gerente de Relações Governamentais, Responsabilidade Social Corporativa & Inovação Aberta | Whirlpool

Célio Valcanaia

Célio Valcanaia

International Partner, Renaissance Executive Forums

Ricardo Pamplona

Ricardo Pamplona

Fundador da Pamplona Associados

Fabiano Pizzatto

Fabiano Pizzatto

Diretor de Operações Perfil Group

Wagner Silva

Wagner Silva

Chief Executive Officer - CEO SBHub Aceleradora

Ricardo Santin

Ricardo Santin

Assembly Director - BMW Group

Emeson Edel

Emeson Edel

Diretor de Operações | Perville

Silvio Iung

Silvio Iung

Diretor Geral | Bom Jesus/IELUSC

Jean Cardoso

Jean Cardoso

Chairman | Grupo Alltech

Danilo Conti

Danilo Conti

Diretor Geral | Cidade das Águas

Dr. Cristiano Ferreira

Dr. Cristiano Ferreira

Coordenador do Curso de Engenharia Automotiva | UFSC

Marina Andrade

Marina Andrade

Diretora Executiva de Comunicação Prefeitura Municipal de Joinville Professora universitária | IELUSC

Bruno Pereira

Bruno Pereira

Chief Human Resources Officer & VMO Neogrid

Marcelo Borba

Marcelo Borba

Brazil Operations Director Nidec Global Appliance

Our partners

These companies are partners in this effort to develop leadership and make a difference in society. We are proud to have them on board for the 2022 Journey. 

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